How Hard Could It Be Anyway? (And Other Observations About Teaching)
This post is inspired by two comments that rocked my day today. I have at least four hours of work ahead of me as I write this, but THIS cannot wait. It just cannot wait. (I'll add my wit and needed details HERE!) Comment number one came from a site council meeting held after school. These meetings are attended by parents and teachers who discuss issues and address goals for the school. We were discussing our desire to expand course offerings in STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics ) without funds ( the ongoing issue in education ). New laws allow us to hire anyone with a degree in these areas to teach such courses even if they don't have a background in education. We had an interesting and engaging discussion with valid points being raised on all sides. One of the parents m the group mentioned that she had considered teaching such courses at one point. "You would be great at it," I said. ( And she would. She is that kind ...